Professional CV Zone

Frequently Asked Questions

☏  067 351 3860  | ✉

Who needs a CV?

Any person who is in the market for a position, be it someone who has just qualified from University or any other educational institution. Any person, who has lost employment or anyone else looking for new employment, be it permanent or temporary should have a Professional drafted CV.

Why do I need a Professional drafted CV?

Chances are you have a CV already. You might have drafted this from your favourite word processing program’s templates or you paid someone a fee of R40 or R50 to do your CV for you. In fact, what you need is a document that will stand out! Something that will compete with the hundreds of other people who are applying for the same position as you. Wouldn’t you rather hand in a document that would give you a better chance of getting your name on a shortlist and ultimately to that sought after interview?

Professional drafted CV’s are neat and tidy documents that are not just another typed up piece of paper with your information on. A prospective employer should be able to scan your document and take in the contents thereof in 30 or less seconds. If the prospective employer cannot read and understand your CV in less than 30 seconds, then you have lost already. Contact us today for a Free assessment of your existing CV.

Why use Professional CV Zone?

You get personal attention and your document is done within 24 working hours. With us you are not just another number. We actually care and try to make a difference in other peoples lives! Our product obviously also speaks for itself.

I already have a CV…

Having an existing CV is great! Having the right CV is altogether another matter… Is your document drafted in the correct recognised format? Does it contain information that should not be there? Does it contain all of your relevant information? Send your CV to us for a FREE assessment. You will be surprised at the little mistakes we might pick up on your document.

We find that 99% of the times people have information in their CV’s that should not be there and there is almost always something missing that they forgot to include…

What exactly do I get in return for your fee?

You can get your CV and/or Resume e-mailed to you or 2 laser printed copies posted. You get assistance with your Cover Letters and you get lots of friendly free advice… If you are not convinced by now to let us give you Professional assistance then you will probably never be convinced of anything. Sad really!

How long does it take to do the CV?

Once we have all of your correct information and payment has been confirmed, will you have a document to proof-read or in most instances the final document in 24 working hours.

How do I get my information to you?

All of your information can be sent to us via E-mail. You can also make an appointment with one of our consultants.  One -on-one consultations are charged at R660.00 payable in cash on the day of the appointment.

What do you need from me to do the CV?

All of your personal information (Full names, ID number, Residential Address, Postal Address, Education and Career history). Contact us and speak to one of our qualified consultants.

Do I need to visit your offices for an interview before the CV is done?

No, as long as you present us with all of your information, it is not necessary to be at our offices in person.

Can I proofread my CV before I accept it?

Yes, your document will be E-mailed to you before we present you with the final document. You may make changes to the document before accepting the final product.

How will I get my CV?

Your CV will be emailed to the email address we received the original CV from.  You may also collect a copy from our offices (bring your own USB drive).

What happens when I need to update my CV?

You have 30 days from the date we provided you with an final/updated document/s to make minor final changes.  

Your CV can be updated after 30 days at R160.00 per update. All of the new information can be sent to us via e-mail.

Can I have more copies of my CV printed?

Yes, all additional copies printed are charged at R25.00 per copy.

Can I have more Cover Letters done?

Yes, additional Cover Letters are done at R25.00 per letter.

What is your Refund Policy?

Our Refund Policy can be found here