Professional CV Zone

Professional CV Zone

Professional CV Writing

Do you require assistance with a Professional CV that will give you a better advantage when you want to apply for a vacancy anywhere? If your answer is “YES” then email us today and we will contact you as soon as possible.

At Professional CV Zone we have been specialising and assisting the local and international public since 2002 in finding proper employment. We also assist in drafting proper CV’s and Resume with huge success.

Do you have a Curriculum Vitae or Resumé drafted by a friend, a colleague or even by yourself? Chances are very good that you have handed this document in at as many places as you could with little or no response at all… We bet you are tired of letters arriving in your inbox with the following:

  • “We regret to inform you…” or
  • “After careful consideration…” or our personal favorite
  • “We thank you for your application, but…”

Well Congratulations! You have found what you have been looking for… We can help !

Our highly experienced professional CV writers offer you the following; Get a Professional Curriculum Vitae drafted by a qualified consultant.

Get Assistance with your Cover Letter for that specific position you have in mind.

  • You can get your CV printed and posted to your address,
  • or in electronic format on a disk (Stiffy / CD),
  • or e-mailed to you, depending on your preference.

Contact us today for a free quotation.

We can provide you with:

  • Professional Curriculum Vitae e-mailed or posted
  • Additional 1 or 2 page Resume (A very handy to have shortened / compact CV)
  • Example Cover Letter/s
  • Example Follow Up Letter/s
  • All types of letters for all types of situations
  • Everything on Stiffy / Disk / or E-mailed